K6 - One rule for them, one rule for the rest
of us!
- The Vice Chancellor The Vice Chancellors office has decided to hire a
receptionist for the 6th floor ... the Vice Chancellor already has two
secretaries and a chauffeur but they still had to hire yet another person
... guess what this new lady spends her day doing? Give up? Reading. There's
bugger all else for her to do! Many other departments are struggling with a
bare minimum of staff required to provide the basics of service, the VC's
office has money to burn.
- The VC has put in for a substantial pay rise on the grounds that since the
merger, he now has more responsibility. Every other staff member in the
University has been told that an increase in the number of campuses does not
warrant a pay rise. The duties are the same, albeit on a wider scale, so no
pay rise is justified as your pay level is tied to your duties. Mind you,
there is already a precedent for the VC's staff to break this rule. The VC's
secretary, whose 'duties' include answering telephones, looking after the
VC's timetable and booking meetings ... is rumoured to be being paid at
least at HEW 9 level ... according to the Human Resources manual, those
duties should score around HEW 4 to 5! So much for salaries being linked to
'duties' and not who you work for.
- All departments have had serious budget cut backs in recent years and now,
with the merger between WMIT and VUT, there is a new inequity. Ex-WMIT staff
are only receiving 4% superannuation where VUT staff get 17%. Not only that
but many ex-WMIT staff that have the same duties and responsibilities as VUT
staff are on a lower pay rate. The university doesn't want to raise all the
ex-WMIT staff to 17% super because of the enormous cost although it is
rumoured they have the money to do it anyway. The odd thing about this new
inequity is, whether they rumour about the Uni having the money to do it or
not is true, is that the University is currently negotiating for the
purchase of at least three more buildings in the CBD. Where is that money
coming from?
- Speaking of money to burn, the VC recently bought the house next door to
his for an 'undisclosed amount' for housing international visitors. Funny
how a lot of those international visitors seem to be from Ireland.
- The EGM (Resources) The EGM (Resources) who has final say over all the
outsourcing by the Facilities department should be up for the Jeff Kennett
Businessman's award. Allegedly, all of the companies that have won
outsourcing contracts seem to be owned by friends of his. Not only this but
there was a story that a proposition was made to change the supplier of
vehicles for the Uni packaging scheme but, although there were considerable
savings to be made, The EGM didn't want to change because, here's the
punchline, a friend of his is rumoured to own the company currently
providing vehicles.